Contents of Sanmyaku by issue
Note: actual issue numbers vary depending on the country -- the list here is based on the order of publication in Japan. Unless otherwise marked, all articles are by Dr Hatsumi, the Bujinkan Dojo Soke (in particular the "Yamabiko" articles, which are often a response to the one listed immediately before).
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 1
- Concerning the publication of Sanmyaku
- Illustrated Ninjutsu "Tiger Scroll"
- Ninpo Taijutsu
- Kenpo (Swordwork)
- Bojutsu
- Kusarigama
- Shuriken-jutsu
- Other combat skills
- Menkyo Kaiden
- Supernatural abilities
- Techniques for disappearing
- Techniques for walking
- Kunoichi
- Ninja tools
- Densho
- The Ninja and their way of life
- Origin of Ninpo
- Those who gave birth to Ninpo
- Shinobi schools
- Requisites for becoming a Ninja
- Life as a Ninja
- Concerning Taikai
- Passage to Australia (Nagato Toshiro)
- To the readers of Sanmyaku Issue One
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 2
- Soke's Kuden
- The point of balance: the human being between spirit, body and mind [1993 Huelva Taikai] (Pedro Fleitas)
- Letter to Soke from his Buyu "Gorilla" (Ricardo)
- Golden moment (Steve Hayes)
- The merits and demerits of sports martial arts (Nagato Toshiro)
- Some anecdotes from the editors:
- Bugei / Bujutsu / Budo
- Kano Jigoro (1860-1938)
- "Judo is very different from Jujutsu"
- "Budo was something comprehensive"
- Engen Gannen
- Ashikaga Takauji
- Emperor Godaigo
- Kazan'in
- Kusunoki Masashige
- Record of Kito-ryu Jujutsu (1908)
- Waza-no-bu
- Kobushi-nagashi
- Kuruma-iri
- Hiza-guruma
- Mune-kudaki
- Ranto
- Stories from the filming of the Bojutsu video
- When filming Bojutsu (Nagase Hiroshi)
- Filming the Rokushakubo-jutsu Video (Kan Jun'ichi)
- Shooting the Bojutsu Video (Oguri Koichi)
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 3
- Soke's Kuden
- Bujinkan Grades (Honbu)
- Kamiwaza at the Huelva Taikai (Ben Jones)
- Recollections (Manaka Fumio)
- Stories of living martial heroes (Editors)
- The motives for launching Sanmyaku
- Editorial Notes
- Dan-Kyu
- Chi-Sui-Ka-Fu-Ku = Go-dai
- "Ku"
- Hagakure
- The way of the warrior is death
- "Mu"
- Let them cut your flesh, and cut their bones
- Editors' Postscript
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 4
- New Year's Address
- Yamabiko 1
- NIN exhibition at Chiba City Folk Museum (1979)
- Introduction
- Taijutsu
- Kamae
- Kaiten
- Tobi
- Sakki-jutsu
- Yoko-nagare
- Shinobi Weapons
- Shuko / Sokko
- Makibishi
- Shuriken
- Ninja techniques
- Shuriken-jutsu
- Kusarigama-jutsu
- Shinobi schools
- Conclusion
- Articulo para Sanmyaku (Jose Maria Conejo) / Yamabiko
- Article for Sanmyaku (Julieta Laorga)
- Letter to Soke (General Kemper) / Yamabiko
- Taikai — my reflections (Sveneric Bogsaeter) / Yamabiko
- Honesty is the best policy (Brin Morgan) / Yamabiko
- Information on Taikai (Honbu)
- Yamabiko 2: Tale of a world-famous singer
- Memorial service for 3000 slaughtered souls (Editors)
- Moment of relief after "Memorial service for 3000 slaughtered souls"
- Letter of thanks to Soke from the author Mine Takaichiro
- Editor's comments
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 5
- Yamabiko: Birth of the Bujinkan Juyushi
- Bujin Juyushi: Training & Teaching Schedules
- Dawn Course of Argentina (Manaka Fumio) / Yamabiko
- 1993 Argentina Ninjutsu Taikai BUDHA Taikai (Daniel Hernandez) / Yamabiko
- Life Value of a Ninja (Jack Hoban) / Yamabiko
- Ninjutsu -- practise and self-defence (Elias Krzywacki) / Yamabiko
- An unforgettable moment (Sveneric Bogsaeter) / Yamabiko
- Reflections on my Fifth Dan test (Yoshida Shin'ichi) / Yamabiko
- Videos, Tokyo Dojo training nights, Daikomyosai
- Editor's comments
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 6
- Yamabiko
- Deshi-iri
- Naginata-jutsu
- Bi-naginata-jutsu Kata
- Nagi-taoshi
- Sukui-age
- Hataki-taoshi
- Ashi-barai
- Hane-taoshi
- Kuri-dashi
- Zango-nagi
- Sashi-chigai
- Tobi-kiri
- Recording the Daisho Sabaki, Muto Dori and Shiraha Dome Videos / 15 days walking with Hatsumi Sensei (Pedro Fleitas) / Yamabiko
- Murphy's Law in Ninjutsu (Arnaud Cousergue)
- Frankfurt Taikai: Friendship and Harmony (Steffen Froehlich) / Yamabiko
- A seminar in the sun (Elias Krzywacki)
- Mysterious healer (Ben Jones) / Yamabiko
- I became a 5th Dan in Atlanta / Looking back at three world Taikai (Uehara Hiroshi) / Yamabiko
- Letter to Soke (Mariette van der Vliet)
- Information on Soke's seminars in 1995
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 7
- Yamabiko
- Names of human Kyusho and parts of a Katana
- Takagi Yoshin-ryu Kirigami-yurushi
- True diagram of Atemi
- General terms for a sword
- Daisho Sabaki-gata
- Tsuka-kudaki
- Hiki-dori
- Iri-dori
- Ran-gaku
- Sukui-dori
- Ryu-kotsu
- Ushi-o-gaeshi
- Kake-otoshi
- Kote-dome
- O-to
- Kuruma-nage
- Yotsu-de-to
- Ha-musubi
- Sukashi-dori
- People who study Budo (Robert Matson) / Yamabiko
- Kyojitsu (Jack Hoban) / Yamabiko
- Find the right path (Sveneric Bogsaeter)
- The Grace and the Energy (Nathalie Delalande)
- Todo Hanshi
- Sanmyaku is …
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 8
- Yamabiko
- Concerning Budo Taijutsu
- Kamae
- Ukemi-gata Taihen-jutsu
- Ken Juroppo
- Ishin Denshin (Ben Jones)
- Chester Taikai (Pedro Gomez) / Yamabiko
- Letter to Soke (Mrs Steffen Froehlich)
- Soke and Kyojitsu Tenkan (John Cantor) / Yamabiko
- Yoshimune Fuunroku
- 1995 Daikomyosai Seminar
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 9
- Yamabiko 1: "Let us all buy advance tickets to paradise while we are alive" (Takamatsu Toshitsugu)
- Yamabiko 2 (Noda Journal)
- The three waves
- The world of show business
- Gautama Buddha
- Education
- The Iron Man equation
- Pictures
- Tombstone
- Concerning Kihon Happo
- Kosshi Kihon-gata Sanpo
- Method 1
- Method 2
- Method 3
- Torite Kihon-gata Goho
- Be forever young in your training (Ishizuka Tetsuji)
- Yamabiko: A Ninja's view of Abebe's run (from Tokyo Sports Newspaper, 1964)
- My experience of Toate Fudo Kanashibari no Jutsu (Someya Ken'ichi)
- Mental Void (Enzo Rossi)
- Letter to Soke (Chris Roworth) / Yamabiko
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 10
- Yamabiko 1: A few words directed at modern Budo
- Yamabiko 2: A complete view of Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu
- Ninja, alive now
- Shinobi no Mono and Togakure-ryu
- Nezumi Kozo and Ishikawa Goemon
- The Ninja lifestyle
- Lecture to the HIH the Crown Prince
- Fake Ninjutsu is rampant
- Telepathy gets applied too
- Koppo and Ninjutsu
- Happo Biken
- Togakure-ryu Ninpo Lineage
- For reference, some of Morikawa Tetsuro's postscript
- Yamabiko 3 (Noda Journal)
- Spring at the foot of a black mountain
- Foreign languages
- Shinobi no Mono
- Ninja Sen'ichi-ya
- Give and return
- Blue eyes and brown eyes
- Isle of temptations
- The three-fold River Styx
- Oiegei
- Natural and perfect human movements
- (Latent) Light-disaster consciousness
- A meeting with an Israeli VIP
- Momochi Sandayu
- The advantage of heaven; the advantage of earth; perseverance, effort and invention; personal power
- Kurata Tenzen
- Sanshin: Budo Taijutsu no Kata
- Chi no kata
- Sui no kata
- Ka no kata
- Fu no kata
- Ku no kata
- And finally …
- Calligraphy by Momochi Sandayu
- Notice and Request from the Editors
Skip to Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Issue 11
- Yamabiko 1: Interpretation of Momochi Sandayu's Precepts
- Yamabiko 2
- Netherlands Taikai (May 1996)
- Global proverb
- Amsterdam
- Taikai
- Atlanta Taikai (August / September 1996)
- Hatsumi Sensei / Ninjitsu Soke
- Godan
- Man to man
- Alicante Taikai (October 1996)
- The glory of one life; one cup of Sake
- Simplicity
- City of light
- Spirit of Mu and Mystery
- Isshi
- Gene master
- Eternal light
- Taikai videos
- Arizona Taikai: Child's Play (Robert Mattson) / Yamabiko
- Letter from Hino Akira of the Hino Martial Arts Research Institute
- Birth of the Japanese Shidoshi Goshinjutsu Society
- 1997: New light in the New Year's Cards
- Don't Quit (Joe Vaughan)
- Warning against insincere people
This page produced by Ben Jones